Mother's Day Quotes

Are you looking for some fun messages to use on cards, websites or maybe social media? Looking for Mother's Day messages or wishes for a special person or sentiment?

The statuses about mom are beautiful with meaning - I will come to you, my mom, kiss your wrinkles, let the years go by stubbornly ... only you, my mom, LIVE ..

Only mother keeps us all her life: 9 months in the stomach, up to 3 years in her arms, ... and all her life in her heart.

It is easier to love humanity than to do good to your own mother.

You become an adult when you change "mom" to "mommy" in the phone !!!

They let their children into life, like white doves in the sky! But it was not destined to fly, who managed to forget his father and mother!

Adults are becoming, not when they stop listening to mom, but when they realize that mom was right!

Moms give us life ... and the worst thing for them is when we neglect this priceless gift.

The reproaches of the mother are not without foundation.

Mom is a person who can replace everyone, but no one can ever replace her.

5 years - mother knows everything, 15 years - well, mother knows not everything, 20 years - yes, what mother knows there! 30 years old - you had to listen to mom ...

Thursday`s Flower
The parental home is a place from Paradise ... Where time is frozen on the hands of the clock ... And mother, forgiving mistakes with all my heart, will give you warmth and love !!!

The cheaper love is male and female, the more expensive love is maternal ...

Let the whole world throw stones at you - if there is a mother or a father behind your back, everything will be fine.

Everything changes around. And only Mom, remains Mom ...

Family charter: 1. Mom is always right. 2. Mom does not scream - she pays attention to important things. 3. Mom does not swear - she advises. 4. Mom does not argue - she explains the situation. 5. Mom does not hang on the Internet - it keeps up with the times.

Treat your mother with respect and your children will do the same for you.

The child’s claims to mother’s love are immense, they demand exclusivity and do not allow sharing.

Finding happiness, we call friends less often, becoming unhappy, we call more often ... mother.

The most expensive necklace on the neck of a woman is the arms of a child hugging!

Mother can feed ten children; ten children cannot feed one mother.

Mom with you always, even when you're alone. You can change cities, but you always love her.

The one that brings up a living soul is more talented than any painter or sculptor. John Chrysostom.
Mothers Day Tulips ...
A foreign pocket is always fuller, someone else's work is always easier, other people's problems are always easier ... And only other people's children are always worse.

Take care of mothers, nobody really loves us anymore.

Mom, better than any lawyer, is able to protect her child; more threateningly than any prosecutor, she is ready to ruthlessly punish the one who offends her son or daughter.

And you try when it is bad, just spend time with your mom more often, just communicate. Personally, it helped me, and she was pleased. After all, mother is the most expensive! And we pay so little attention to her!

Before you say something about a woman, think about your mother.

The first gift from mother is life, the second is love, and the third is understanding.