Anchorman Quotes
Huge list of some great quotes from your favorite movies and shows

Here are some great quotes for you to enjoy.
List of quotes to use from shows and movies
I love coming up with cheesy quotes from shows and movies to put in cards and emails. Life goes so quick but it is still a good idea to put together a nice quotes list. Here are some Anchorman quotes items I have now:
Ron Burgundy: I saw that. Brick killed a guy. Did you throw a trident?
Ron Burgundy: Well, I could be wrong, but I believe diversity is an old, old wooden ship that was used during the Civil War era.
Ron Burgundy: Oh Audrey - I look like hell! I got bags under my eyes. What's that? Well if you were a man, I'd punch you. Punch you right in the mouth. That's bush. Bush league. YOU HEAR ME? AUDREY! LOOK AT ME! I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Alright?
Ron Burgundy: Smells like a turd covered in burnt hair.
Brian Fantana: They’ve done studies, you know. 60% of the time, it works every time.
Announcer: You’re watching Channel 4 News with five-time Emmy award-winning anchor Ron Burgundy and Tits McGee
Brick Tamland: Where’d you get your clothes… from the… toilet store?
Brian Fantana: Hey, you’re making me look stupid. Get out of here, Panda Jerk!
Ron Burgundy: Knights of Columbus, that hurt!
Ron Burgundy: Brick, where did you get a hand grenade?
Ron Burgundy: Why don’t you go back to your home on Whore Island?
Ron Burgundy: [answering the phone] “Hello? Who’s there, I’m talkin? Hello? Who is this? Baxter… is that you? Baxter! Bark twice if you’re in Milwaukee… Is this Wilt Chamberlain? Have the courage to say something! Hello?
Ron Burgundy: Um, Brick, before I let you go, are you still having your celebrity golf tournament?
Brick Tamland: Um, no, no. Too many people died last year, so we’re not gonna.
Veronica Corningstone: Oh Ron, there are literally thousands of other men that I should be with instead, but I am 72 percent sure that I love you.
Ron Burgundy: Son of a bee-sting!
Ron Burgundy: Sweet Lincoln’s mullet!
Ron Burgundy: [to Veronica Corningstone after they go off the air] You’re a real hooker. I’m gonna slap you in public.
Ron Burgundy: By the beard of Zeus!
Ron Burgundy: I’m gonna punch you in the ovary, that’s what I’m gonna do. A straight shot. Right to the baby maker.
Brick Tamland: Yeah.. I stabbed a man in the heart
Ron Burgundy: I saw that! Brick killed a guy. Did you throw a trident?
Brick Tamland: Yeah there were horses and a man on fire and I killed a guy with a trident.
Ron Burgundy: Brick I've been meaning to talk to you about that. You should find yourself a safe house or a relative close by. Lay low for a while because you're probably wanted for murder.
Ron Burgundy: You have an absolutely breathtaking hiney.
Ron Burgundy: I'm kind of a big deal. People know me.
Garth Holiday: Ron why did you say that? Why? Why Ron? Why? You were my hero Ron!!!
Ron Burgundy: Garth. . . I.
Garth Holiday: And you come out and. . . Stink like that. . . Poop. . . your poop mouth. . . you have a poop out of your mouth!!!!
Ron Burgundy: Garth, If I were to give you some money out of my wallet, would that ease the Pain?
Garth Holiday: I hate you Ron Burgundy!!! I hate you!!!!!!!!
“I love scotch. Scotchy scotch scotch. Here it goes down, down into my belly.” — Ron Burgundy
“Oh, I can barely lift my right arm ’cause I did so many. I don’t know if you heard me counting. I did over a thousand.” — Ron Burgundy
Brick Tamland: I love, carpet. I love, desk.
Ron Burgundy: Brick, are you just looking at things in the office and saying you love them?
Brick Tamland: I love, lamp.
Ron Burgundy: Do you really love the lamp or are you just saying it because you saw it?
Brick Tamland: I love lamp, I love lamp.
Brick Tamland: Heh heh! He said hinney!
Ron Burgundy: I'm in a glass case of emotion
Ron Burgundy: I'm in a glass case of emotion.
Ron Burgundy: Go fuck yourself San Diego
Veronica Corningstone: Brick are you saying that there is a party in your pants and that I'm invited?
Ron Burgundy: Hey aqualung!
Brick Tamland: Sorry Champ...I think I ate your chocolate squirrel.
Brick Tamland: Sorry Champ, I think I ate your chocolate squirrel.
Ron Burgundy: By the beard of Zeus!
Ron Burgundy: Why don't you go back to your home on whore island?
Brick Tamland: I love lamp.
Champ Kind: It is anchorman, not anchorlady! And that is a scientific fact!
Ron Burgundy: Brick, where'd you get a hand grenade?
Brick Tamland: I don't know.
Ron Burgundy: Whale's vagina
Ron Burgundy: Whale's vagina.
Brian Fantana: I know what you're wondering, and the answer is yes... I do have a nickname for my penis. It's called "The Octogon".
Brian Fantana: I know what you're wondering, and the answer is yes... I do have a nickname for my penis. It's called 'The Octogon'.
Ron Burgundy: [doing mouth exercises] The human torch is denied a bank loan.
Brian Fantana: Panda jerk!!!
Brian Fantana: Panda jerk!
Ron Burgundy: Well... THAT escalated quickly.
Brick Tamland: Bears can smell the menstruation!
Brick Tamland: I love lamp.
Brian Fantana: They've done studies, you know. 60% of the time, it works every time.
Ron Burgundy: You are a smelly pirate hooker!
Ron Burgundy: (to his dog Baxter) - "hey, stop it, you know I don't speak spanish"
Ron Burgundy: [to his dog Baxter] Hey, stop it, you know I don't speak spanish.
Champ Kind: I will smash your face into a car windshield, then take your mother, Dorothy Mantooth out for a delicious seafood dinner and then never call her again!
Brick Tamland: LOUD NOISES!
Ron Burgundy: I ate a big red candle
Ron Burgundy: I ate a big red candle.
Brick Tamland: I ate a big red candle.
Brick Tamland: Hey, where'd you get those clothes, the toilet store?
Ron Burgundy: It's so damn hot.... Milk was a bad choice.
Ron Burgundy: It's so damn hot... Milk was a bad choice.
Ron Burgundy: Ok before we start. Lets go over the ground-rules....No touching of the hair or face....And THAT'S IT. Now FIGHT!!!
Ron Burgundy: Okay before we start. Lets go over the ground-rules....No touching of the hair or face... And THAT'S IT. Now FIGHT!
Ron Burgundy: Great Odens Raven!!
Ron Burgundy: Great Odens Raven!
Ron Burgundy: Great Knights of Columbus that hurt!!!
Ron Burgundy: Great Knights of Columbus that hurt!
Ron Burgundy: (as he takes the Jazz Flute out of his sleeve) This is embarrassing....I'm totally unprepared...
Ron Burgundy: [as he takes the Jazz Flute out of his sleeve] This is embarrassing... I'm totally unprepared.
Ron Burgundy: [talking to Baxter] You ate a whole wheel of cheese? I'm not even angry. I'm actually quite impressed.
Brian Fantana: (About Sex Panther) They've done studies you know. It works 60% of the time...Everytime.
Brian Fantana: [about Sex Panther] They've done studies you know. It works 60% of the time...Everytime.
Ron Burgundy: That doesn't make sense.
Ron Burgundy: I'm sorry I don't speak Spanish...
Ron Burgundy: Hey it's Papa Burgandy!! Corningstone is fair game.
Ron Burgundy: Hey it's Papa Burgundy! Corningstone is fair game.
Brian Fantana: Eh-OH!!!!! There he is!!
Brian Fantana: Eh-OH! There he is!
Ron Burgundy: I'm very aroused.
Ron Burgundy: I'm not a baby! I'm a man! An ANCHORMAN!
Brick Tamland: hey where did u get those clothes at the toilet store
Brick Tamland: Where'd you get your clothes... from the... toilet store?
Ron Burgundy: im ron burgundy u stay classy san diego
Ron Burgundy: You stay classy, San Diego.
Ron Burgundy: Discovered by the Germans in 1904, they named it San Diego, which of course in German means a whale’s vagina.
Ron Burgundy: You stay classy, San Diego. I’m Ron Burgundy?
Brian Fantana: She was Brazilian, or Chinese, or something weird. I met her in the bathroom of a K-Mart and we made out for hours. Then we parted ways, never to see each other again.
Veronica Corningstone: Take me to Pleasure Town.
Ron Burgundy: You are a smelly pirate hooker.
Ron Burgundy: dont act like ur nit impressed
Ron Burgundy: Don't act like you're not impressed.
Champ Kind: I will smash your face into a car windshield, and then take your mother Dorothy Mantooth out for a nice seafood dinner and never call her again.
Veronica Corningstone: Mr. Burgundy, you have a *massive* erection.
Brick Tamland: [shouts] Loud noises.
Ron Burgundy: I look like hell! I got bags under my eyes. What's that? Well if you were a man, I'd punch you. Punch you right in the mouth. That's bush. Bush league.
Ron Burgundy: mmmm... i look... i mean really good hey everyone come and see how good i look
Ron Burgundy: Mmmmm... I look good. I mean really good.
Ron Burgundy: brick where did u get a hand grenade
Ron Burgundy: Brick, where did you get a hand grenade?
Brick Tamland: i dont know
Brick Tamland: I don't know.
Ron Burgundy: Hope I'm not disturbing you, but, uh, I saw you from across the party, and, uh, I don't usually do this, but I felt compelled to tell you something. You have an absolutely breathtaking heinie.
Ron Burgundy: go fuck yourself san diego ahhh
Ron Burgundy: Go fuck yourself, San Diego.
Ron Burgundy: mmm... drink it in it always goes down smooth
Ron Burgundy: It always goes down smooth!
Ron Burgundy: Ohh, it's the deep burn. Oh, it's so deep. Oh, I can barely lift my right arm 'cause I did so many. I don't know if you heard me counting. I did over a thousand.
Champ Kind: i woke up this morning and i shit a squirrel i mean literaly hell of it is damn things still alive so i got this shit covered squirrel down there in the office dont know what to name it
Champ Kind: Tell me about it, this morning, I woke up and I shit a squirrel, but what I can't get is the damn thing is still alive. So now, I've got a shit covered squirrel running around my office and I don't know what to name it.
Brick Tamland: ohhh sorry champ i think i ate ur chocolate squirruel
Brick Tamland: Oh, I'm sorry champ, I think I ate your chocolate squirrel.
Ron Burgundy: [doing mouth exercises] How now brown cow.
Brian Fantana: No, she gets a special cologne... It's called Sex Panther by Odeon. It's illegal in nine countries. Yep, it's made with bits of real panther, so you know it's good.
Ron Burgundy: I'm in a glass case of emotion!
Brick Tamland: Years later, a doctor will tell me that I have an I.Q. of 48 and am what some people call mentally retarded.
Brick Tamland: I read somewhere their periods attract bears. Bears can smell the menstruation.
Brian Fantana: Well, that's just great. You hear that, Ed? Bears. Now you're putting the whole station in jeopardy.
Ron Burgundy: You are a smelly pirate hooker.
Brick Tamland: Where'd you get those clothes at the Toilet Store?
Brick Tamland: Where'd you get your clothes... from the... toilet store?
Ron Burgundy: I may be wrong, but I believe diversity is and old, old wooden ship used in the Civil War.
Ron Burgundy: Well, I could be wrong, but I believe diversity is an old, old wooden ship that was used during the Civil War era.
Ron Burgundy: It's so damn hot. Milk was a bad choice.
Ron Burgundy: There's nothing here to see, it's just an illusion, don't act like your not impressed.
Ron Burgundy: Don't act like you're not impressed. It's an optical illusion.
“Discovered by the Germans in 1904, they named it San Diego, which of course in German means ‘a whale’s vagina.'” — Ron Burgundy
“It’s terrible. She has beautiful eyes, and her hair smells like cinnamon!” — Ron Burgundy
Veronica Corningstone: Stop calling your arms guns.
Ron Burgundy: Brick, where did you get a hand grenade?
Brick Tamland: I don't know.
Ron Burgundy: Discovered by the Germans in 1904, they named it San Diego, which of course in German means a whale's vagina.
Veronica Corningstone: No, there's no way that's correct
Ron Burgundy: I'm sorry, I was trying to impress you. I don't know what it means. I'll be honest, I don't think anyone knows what it means anymore. Scholars maintain that the translation was lost hundreds of years ago.
Veronica Corningstone: Doesn't it mean Saint Diego?
Ron Burgundy: No. No.
Veronica Corningstone: No, that's - that's what it means. Really.
Ron Burgundy: Agree to disagree.
Veronica Corningstone: Oh Ron, there are literally thousands of other men that I should be with instead, but I am 72 percent sure that I love you.
Ron Burgundy: You're so wise. You're like a miniature Buddha, covered in hair.
Ron Burgundy: It's so hot (drinks milk) Milk was a bad choice.
Ron Burgundy: It's so hot. Milk was a bad choice.
Brian Fantana: They've done studies you know. Sixty percent of the time it works every time.
Brick Tamland: I hear that their periods attract bears. the bears can smell the menstration.
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