Bucket List Ideas for Teens
Huge list of some great ideas to add to your things to do checklist

Everyone should make a list that you should set out to accomplish
List of stuff to do
I love me some list of stuff to do. Life goes so quick but it is still a good idea to put together a list of fun stuff you want to accomplish. Here are some bucket list ideas for teens items I have now:
- Volunteer at your local animal shelter.
- Gear Up For The Northern Lights
- Go garage sale shopping with your Mom. She will enjoy the time spent with you.
- Catch crawdads in a local creek.
- Spend A Night In The Tree House
- Have a garage sale and make a few bucks cleaning out your stuff.
- Get Famous
- Have a bonfire and roast marshmallows for s’mores.
- Work as a lifeguard.
- Go on a long bike ride.
- Visit a museum on a topic you’ve never studied.
- Go for a day hike.
- Buy a metal detector and go treasure hunting!
- Master A Sport
- Enter a craft contest.
- Start a lawn mowing business.
- Go On A Road Trip
- Help The Charity
- Learn a foreign language.
- Participate in a summer reading program.
- Go Hiking
- Watch a summer storm.
- Go Wroomwroom In A Sports Car
- Go to summer camp or be a camp counselor if you’re old enough.
- Go see a movie at a dollar theater.
- Make your own crafts, soaps or other homemade products and sell them on Etsy
- Drive on the beach for the first time.
- Invent Something
- Celebrate Holi
- Start A Blog
- Visit the zoo.
- Hold a luau in your backyard complete with paper leis and fruit punch served in coconut shell cups.
- Participate in La Tomantina
- Have A Tech Free Day
- Hold a bake sale and donate the proceeds to a family in your neighborhood who is in need.
- Bury a time capsule to be opened when you turn 18, 25, 30 or even 50!
- Hold a car wash to raise money for a local charity.
- Visit a new amusement park or waterpark.
- Go Scuba Diving
- Start A Collection
- Dress up in your favorite character and attend a Con.
- The Sitcom Marathon
- Take the weekend and go camping.
- Take a trip to an aquarium.
- Get into character at your nearest Renaissance Festival.
- Bake a summer treat for a neighbor who doesn’t get many visitors.
- Get A Little Tattoo That Says A Lot
- Round And Round In The Zorbing Ball
- Play flashlight tag.
- Go on a deep sea fishing trip.
- Play in the water like you did when you were a kid.
- Plan A Trip To The Bora Bora Land
- Play Pranks On People