Most Common Bucket List Items
Huge list of some great ideas to add to your things for a Most Common Bucket List Items

Everyone should make a list that you should set out to accomplish
List of stuff to do
I love me some list of stuff to do. Life goes so quick but it is still a good idea to put together a list of fun stuff you want to accomplish. Bucket list for you and your boyfriend. Here are some most common bucket list items I have now:
- Visit Las Vegas
- Visit All 50 States
- Swim With Dolphins
- Go White Water Rafting
- Get Married
- Go Whale Watching
- Buy A House
- Learn Sign Language
- Go To The Airport And Take The Next Random Flight Somewhere.
- Go To Paris
- See The Pyramids In Egypt
- Learn To Surf
- Top 10 Bucket List Ideas
- Visit New York City
- Visit Italy
- See The Northern Lights
- Learn To Play The Guitar
- Fly A Hot Air Balloon
- Ride An Elephant
- Sleep Under The Stars
- Go To Australia
- Ride A Camel
- Go Bungee Jumping.
- Visit Every Continent
- Top 20 Bucket List Ideas
- Have Children
- Write A Book
- Get A Tattoo
- Go To Disney World
- Go On A Cruise
- Run A Marathon
- Go On A Safari In Africa
- Fall In Love
- Go Skydiving
- Bungee Jump
- Donate Blood
- Visit The Grand Canyon
- Go To Greece
- Experience Zero Gravity
- Go Zorbing!
- Go Parasailing
- Send A Message In A Bottle
- Go Scuba Diving
- Skydive
- Ride A Gondola In Venice
- Watch predators on a safari
- See The Great Wall Of China
- Visit Hawaii
- Go Swim With Dolphins
- Visit Ireland
- Fly First Class
- Go Zip-Lining
- Go Skinny Dipping