Things to Do When Bored at Night
Huge list of some great ideas to add to your things to do checklist

Everyone should make a list that you should set out to accomplish
List of stuff to do
I love me some list of stuff to do. Life goes so quick but it is still a good idea to put together a list of fun stuff you want to accomplish. Here are some Things to Do When Bored at Night items I have now:
- Mend some of your old clothes
- Rearrange your furniture
- Play some video games
- Start a journal
- Clear your mind of clutter
- Make a post on your social network
- Go to a coffee shop that has books to read
- Write goals down on a dry erase board
- Draw
- You can make a fort in the living room out of couch cushions and blankets
- Learn Morse code or sign language
- Make a four-course meal with whatever ingredients you have in the house at the moment
- Make a 10 things list of what you like about someone
- Go on a movie or TV-series marathon
- Read here on my website
- Read comic books you have or look up some free online comic books
- Start scrapbooking
- Answer questions on yahoo answers or any other Q&A site
- Read a printed book
- Do a puzzle
- Reread a book you found interesting
- Watch Spanish Soap Operas
- Clean out your wardrobe
- Plan your family’s escape route in case of fire
- Learn origami
- Stare out a window in your home
- Paint your fingers and your toenails
- Organize a cluttered room
- Find a comfortable place and do some meditation
- Write a short fiction story about a topic that interests you
- Take a hot bath
- Print out pictures of friends, yourself, family and any other great material you have stored on your computer and camera
- Go out to a local club and have fun
- Sing or learn to sing
- Send a thank you notes to people who did nice things for you
- Call someone
- Make your hair, dress up and do you make up as if you were going out
- You can clean your room
- Get some clay and learn sculpting
- Play some board games
- Look through old photo albums
- Go on Wikipedia Scavenger hunt
- Turn your old book into a top secret camera case or a hidden box
- Search for free courses you can take online
- Make homemade ice cream
- Listen to music that lifts you up
- Run up and down your stairs
- Play telephone Pictionary with your friends
- Paint something or take up painting
- You can learn the art of calligraphy
- Print out a list and separate the ideas with scissors
- Clean out the fridge
- Organize an area of your home
- You can invent you own incredibly complex or very simple game
- Do some home improvements you’ve been putting off
- Look up world records
- Cook or bake something delicious
- Solve a puzzle
- Turn off all your electronics; phones, televisions, computers and radios and just sit and talk
- Browse Amazon Best Sellers They have some of the coolest stuff that exists on here
- Stand up and dance
- Clean your house
- Meditate
- Invite some friends over and play the most fun card game ever mad
- Go on a Daytrip