Things to Do When Bored in Class
Huge list of some great ideas to add to your things to do checklist

Everyone should make a list that you should set out to accomplish.
List of stuff to do
I love me some list of stuff to do. Life goes so quick but it is still a good idea to put together a list of fun stuff you want to accomplish. Here are some TThings to Do When Bored in Class items I have now:
- Play xoxo
- Design my dream home.
- Design a tattoo.
- Beatbox
- Laugh stupidly for no reason.
- Scream NEXT
- Answer the teachers questions in slow motion.
- Try to pay attention
- Throw things
- Play dumb
- Write a Haiku.
- Solve a puzzle
- Imagine a relationship
- Take notes with your nondominant hand.
- Answer the teachers in gangsta slang.
- Take naps
- Hide more interesting reading material.
- Make a paper plane
- Tattoo yourself
- False play the answer
- Disturb the person next to you
- Eat your stationary
- Blow booger
- Write a song.
- Churn some butter.
- Disturb
- Steal
- Listen to music
- Ask to go to a restroom
- Take notes in a foreign language.
- Eat
- Fart plan
- Pass notes
- Try to draw a perfect circle.
- Keep a superlative log.
- Bang on the table
- Hold a lightbulb
- Make a chatterbox.
- Discuss a disturbance
- Chew Gum
- Study, your teacher
- Make funny noises
- Throwball
- Do origami
- Pull your hair or pinch yourself.
- Play rock-paper-scissors
- Make games out of paper
- Annoy your teacher
- Kick items
- Ask for a refund
- Plan class decoration
- Disturb the teacher
- Make a poster
- Stare game
- Keep a list of words with dirty meanings.
- Wear as few items of clothing as possible.
- Start a discussion
- Bitching
- Send text messages on your cell phone.
- Lookout of the window
- Suggest holding class outside.
- Use slang
- Tap shoes
- Fly a plane
- Pretend you’re flying a jet fighter in the Gulf War.
- Do the pin trick
- Plan cheating
- Make paper airplanes.
- Read a book
- Doodle
- Seductive lick
- Throw paper balls
- Use your superpower
- Create a new signature for myself.
- Cat scam
- Draw
- When everybody’s quiet, start beat boxing.
- Mimic