Things to Do When Bored on Computer
Huge list of some great ideas to add to your things to do checklist

Everyone should make a list that you should set out to accomplish.
List of stuff to do
I love me some list of stuff to do. Life goes so quick but it is still a good idea to put together a list of fun stuff you want to accomplish. Here are some Things to Do When Bored on Computer items I have now:
- Learn how to make pretty much anythingatVideoJug
- Quirkology
- Create Your Own Memes
- 9-Eyes
- Listen to mood-altering binaural beats
- Binge-watch random youtube videos
- Scrolldit
- Create your personal homepage
- Awkward Family Photos
- Discover New Music
- Chat with a clever bot
- Go to Mars
- Fun things to do with Google Search
- Make some money writing online
- Try Your Luck at the Penny Auctions
- Gadget Flow
- com, type the title of the book you enjoyedand get several suggestions what to read next
- Chill out with this infinite loop
- Treasure Hunt
- Explore Craigslist Missed Connections
- Make slow-motion videos & GIFs
- Go toCalmingbrits
- googlesyndication
- Damn You Auto Correct
- Put your face onto your pet withPetswitch
- Whine away about your crappy life
- Rank Things
- Get Ordained
- Find your next favorite read
- Flickr Games
- Literally Unbelievable
- Become a YouTube Celebrity
- Learn any language in the worldatDuolingo
- Get Involved With a Cause
- Find Deals in Your Neighborhood
- Podiobooks
- Plan the Trip of Your Dreams
- Find the Love of Your Life
- Read a book at work
- Learn a New Skill
- Talking Animals
- comwill easily tell which celebrity youÆre alike
- comallows visitors to hear the sound of the rain
- Tour Another Country With Google Street View
- Fifty Shades Generator
- Watch these weirdos spotted at Walmart
- Play this group storytelling game
- comis a nice website to push your dream to come true
- Enjoy some Cyanide & Happiness
- Read Funny Amazon Product Reviews
- Create a temporary webpage
- Rainy noises
- Order Food
- Death Clock
- SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2
- Audio guided meditation
- The most jaw-dropping TED Talks
- Learn All About Your Family History
- Best of Craigslist
- Write jokes in collaboration with strangers online
- Play Stronghold Kingdoms
- Take an IQ test
- Broadcast live audio over the web
- FindGift
- Take Quizzes
- Write and publish an ebook for free
- Open a Store
- PopUrls
- Take free online courses from top universities
- Beastmode
- Audio Lectures
- 1 on the day you were born? Go toPlayback
- Create Beautiful Art on Silk
- Watch TV or a Movie
- Play a Game
- comand push the magicbutton to do so
- Make a Movie withstupeflix
- Learn how to play the Wiki Game, in which you may find yourself up against the clock trying to get from the Kim Kardashian entry to the Hitler entry or from Armageddon to Kermit the Frog
- Keep in Touch With the Friends You Already Have
- Make a prank call
- Here's What Happened
- Favorite and Forgetûis updated every day with useful and educational links that will change your life
- Comedy 24/7
- Play some nostalgic 90s games
- Or make your own musicwith a few clicks
- BigPoint
- Create cool vector drawings in the browser
- Explore a New Recipe
- Make New Friends
- Explore Life Hacks
- Clone Zone
- Watch science videosof real scientific experiments
- Minecraft Classic
- Stratocam
- Textastrophe
- Take an Emotional IQ test
- Answer some questions on Quora
- Garfield Minus Garfield
- Make modern art online withkleki
- Some of the entries are so bizarre and hilarious that youÆre guaranteed ag
- Create a Photo Gallery
- Learn killer magic tricks
- Go Shopping
- Catch up on the News
- Swarm
- Have a look at our collection offunny autocorrect mistakesor visitDamnyouautocorrect
- Take the official psychopath test
- Revel in some high-tech geeky humor
- This
- Take Surveys for Cash
- Here are some creative things to do online
- netlets turn your photo into a cartoon character
- Take a Trip Down the YouTube Rabbit Hole
- TheStoryPlayer
- BioBeats
- Read satirical made up news
- Another writing game
- Watch from hundreds of documentariesatDocumentaryHeaven
- Start a Blog
- Find A Grave
- On the siteDrawastickman
- Here are some fun things to read online when bored
- OnRead
- Create your own 3D printed products
- Form a daily writing habit
- Share your secrets anonymously
- Make Some Music
- Learn Origami
- Read insightful longform articles on Medium
- Become a Part of a Writing Community
- Write a letter to your future self
- Make some sick beats at Patatap
- Google Yourself
- Best of Quora