Things to Do When Bored for Guys

Huge list of some great ideas to add to your things to do checklist


Everyone should make a list that you should set out to accomplish

List of stuff to do

I love me some list of stuff to do. Life goes so quick but it is still a good idea to put together a list of fun stuff you want to accomplish. Here are some Things to Do When Bored for Guys items I have now:

  • Go for a run
  • Decorate your home according to Feng Shui principles
  • Attend a free concert in your town
  • Watch some funny cat videosā€¦
  • For example, a study has shown that grateful people have better sleep quality
  • Play outside
  • Write some letters to friends and family
  • Create a bucket list
  • Go on a hike
  • Make up imaginary stories about people
  • You’ll thank yourself later when you’re savoring the salad made from the fresh greens picked from your own garden
  • Try to lick your elbow
  • With that in mind, why not set up a saltwater tank while you’re stuck in the house?
  • Photograph bugs, plants and flowers
  • Go to the zoo
  • They’re well-known boredom busters as well
  • Poke holes in the balloons and suck in the helium and then call people
  • Play a board game
  • Reminisce through old pictures
  • This is handy in case you decide to buy a house in the future
  • Volunteer as a storyteller at the children’s library
  • Learn something new
  • Check them out by clicking the resource link below
  • Take a shower
  • Ask your kids to sort old toys to prepare them for donation or for upcycling
  • Do a random act of kindness
  • Take a swim
  • Draw something (be artistic)
  • Sing a song
  • Gather some pictures and images to represent your vision and put them in poster form
  • Learn how to make a budget
  • Learn a new skill
  • Do some online shopping
  • Watch a classic film that was made before you were born
  • Watch home videos
  • Make yourself a home-cooked meal
  • Color
  • If you’re bored, you can try this brain training app featuring scientifically validated cognition tasks designed to sharpen your thinking skills
  • Edit the contents of your closet
  • Complete a word search
  • It takes time and effort
  • Watch Netflix
  • If you want a break from a monotonous afternoon routine at home, organize a tasting party
  • Help your kids develop a love of reading
  • Nevertheless, extra hours of Zzzz’s reduce your vulnerability to diseases and may help sharpen memory
  • Learn poi dancing
  • Clean the bathroom (my mom used to tell me to do this when I told her I was bored)
  • Or you can take out your fur baby for a walk around the block or to the park
  • Watch a Disney movie
  • 1: Master strength training
  • Upcycle
  • Work on your budget or personal finance
  • Get started with this craft by visiting the resources below
  • Learn how to read people’s fortune through cards, palmistry, or runes
  • Build a fort
  • Make homemade jams
  • Make a gratitude list
  • Know the basics through an online workshop
  • Lay in bed all day
  • Write your own song
  • Go for a walk
  • Start a saltwater tank
  • However, if you are bored, watching some funny videos or relaxing to some music videos can be just what the doctor ordered to relieve that boredom
  • Make breakfast for dinner
  • All you need is commitment to work on a few vocabulary words every single day
  • Sit by the fireplace
  • To get started, I recommend checking out these websites:
  • Clean your sister's room
  • Try a new layout for your bullet journal
  • Dance and sing
  • Talk in an accent
  • If you don't have a dog, use your imagination
  • Upgrade your skin-care regimen
  • Go fishing
  • Learn an instrument
  • But how much time do we spend on those pictures?
  • Read some relatable Odyssey posts
  • Play sudoku
  • Make a photo album
  • If you're an only child, annoy your parents
  • Create a vision board for the year
  • Be ready to meet new friends
  • Write a letter to yourself to open in 10 years
  • Play Wii
  • Read a newspaper or magazine
  • Visit the library
  • Draw a picture
  • Swimming can also help you de-stress when other methods for quieting your monkey mind don’t work
  • Call an old friend
  • Catch up on sleep
  • Plant trees
  • Start an herb or a vegetable garden
  • Moreover, it can serve as a useful record of the things you do in your daily life
  • Edit old photos
  • If you have more time than usual these days, why not spend some hours doing a major decluttering in house?
  • Teach your pet new tricks
  • Have a spa day
  • Pop bubble wrap
  • Learn how to juggle
  • Become an editor for Wikipedia
  • This performance was during a TEDx event in Tokyo
  • So rather than just wasting time doing nothing when you are bored, it might be a nice change to accomplish some personal finance tasks like budgeting
  • Just make sure to find out if you need a license to fish in the zone of your choice
  • See what the highest number you can count to
  • Hang out with your friends
  • Transform stacks of paper into costume jewelry beads
  • Learn a new language
  • Watch TikTok
  • If you have not tried it yet, adult coloring offers many benefits
  • Stretch
  • Take a nap
  • So, why not give yourself a pedicure today?
  • 2: How to Host a Successful Donation Drive
  • Learn how to do origami
  • That way, you have more space for things you really love
  • Set your couple goals
  • Monopoly to channel that entrepreneurial spirit
  • Increase your brainpower
  • Make some bath bombs
  • Play Candy Crush
  • Or some other gaming console
  • Enjoy!
  • Go for a scenic drive
  • No matter how much you know, or how many skills you possess, the sheer volume of knowledge and skills means that you will never know everything
  • Watch the clouds
  • Play iSpy
  • Eat some more food
  • If you can’t find anything else to do with the free hours, consider going to be earlier than usual
  • Make and install bird feeders
  • Also, it only takes a minimum of 9 minutes to do a whole body workout
  • Make a meal plan
  • Host a tasting party
  • Start your own blog
  • Add in recent job experience and accomplishments
  • Backyard glamping
  • Make a list of places you want to travel
  • After some good stretching, you are more focused and relaxed and you may be far more eager to get something really productive accomplished
  • Build a puzzle
  • Go for a drive
  • Whether you read fiction as a means of entertainment or non-fiction to help you learn and grow, reading books is never a waste of time
  • Paint your bedroom walls
  • It doesn’t have to be an extravagant affair
  • Meditate
  • Do your homework
  • Have a movie marathon all day
  • Go to the park
  • Find a DIY project
  • Play with your dog
  • Do some yoga
  • Volunteer your time
  • Learn the dance to a song
  • Listen to music
  • Not only will it help increase your brain function, playing together minimizes stress brought about by cabin fever
  • Seeing videos of your loved one can spark memories and serve as awesome reminders of why you fell for them in the first place
  • Try adult coloring books
  • Meal plans
  • Enroll in skydiving lessons
  • Check social media
  • Annoy your siblings
  • Do the DIY project
  • Organizeā€¦ something
  • FaceTime your friend
  • Take another nap
  • Learn to play the piano
  • Learn how to produce electronic music
  • Singing and dancing just for the pure joy of it
  • Move the bed
  • Mow your lawn
  • Counter your boredom by creating a new layout for a spread
  • Do a paint or color by number
  • It’s something that you can learn to alleviate boredom
  • List down the names of people who inspire you
  • Check your local newspaper to find out what is going on in your town and nearby towns
  • Clean out your dresser and closet
  • Declutter
  • If you can't cook, just go through drive-thru
  • Go to a concert
  • Take a walking tour of your own city or town
  • However, the benefits outweigh the minor inconvenience
  • Give in to what your body is telling you and take a nap
  • This is “something” to do when you are bored
  • Enjoy the beauty of the night
  • Update Your Resume
  • Take up strength training
  • These events are a way for you to get ideas of how to stage a house, in case you think of selling your property
  • Watch your spouse or partner’s old videos
  • Fifteen minutes of high-intensity activity when you are bored keeps you occupied AND has some great health benefits
  • Get up to date on current events
  • Enthusiasts take this very seriously
  • Go to the pet store
  • Change the decor
  • Take an online course

Things to Do When Bored for Guys

Post of the list - Things to Do When Bored for Guys