Things to Do When You're Bored and Stuck at Home
Huge list of some great ideas to add to your things to do checklist

Everyone should make a list that you should set out to accomplish.
List of stuff to do
I love me some list of stuff to do. Life goes so quick but it is still a good idea to put together a list of fun stuff you want to accomplish. Here are some Things to Do When You're Bored and Stuck at Home items I have now:
- Write in a journal or begin a new journal
- If you have a movie collection, watch an old favorite one again
- Have a bubble bath/aroma therapy bath
- People or bird watch
- Teleconference with your therapist
- Build a fort out of pillows, blankets
- Gather up a few friends and have a picnic in your backyard
- Sit next to your window and enjoy a cup of coffee while looking outside
- Unwind at the garden
- Play a musical instrument
- Learn a new language
- Go for a walk, run, or bike ride
- Yoga
- Do some research on subjects that interest you
- There are times when all of us find ourselves stuck at home
- Groom your pet
- Play online games
- We are here to help with simple ideas
- Browse the web
- Paint a picture
- Set up an indoor obstacle course
- Chat with friends via the internet
- Play the piano or other instruments
- Clean your room and/or house
- Read a book
- Listen to music
- Test out your baking skills
- Watch stupid videos and standup comedy videos
- Plan a vacation or day-trip for the future
- Treat yourself to a yummy dessert
- Learn a new skill
- Create and design your personal website
- Paint a portrait
- Read a chapter book aloud with your kids
- Browse and Shop Amazon Best Sellers
- Spend one-on-one time with your family
- Write/create your own song
- Make a collage out of old magazines or newspaper pictures
- Catch up on sleep
- Dance inside your room
- Make ‘breakfast for dinner’
- Make a list of things you need to buy at the grocery store
- Exercise
- Cook for your family
- Do your laundry
- Have a picnic in the family room
- Watch TV
- Make a list of things you want to do before you die
- Plan a ‘camp out’ in the living room
- Re-organize your Facebook profile
- Play board or card games
- Take a walk down memory lane by
- Do some baking
- Write a letter and send it to a
- Draw or sketch
- Re-arrange the furniture in your room/home
- Build a tower with block toys
- Create your own jewelry by mixing and matching
- Get rid of old photos and files by
- Browse YouTube
- Look through old family scrapbooks, yearbooks and photo books
- Clean up your house
- Listen to an audiobook or podcast
- Create your own scrap book
- Read a book for yourself
- Re-organize your book shelf
- We often reach out for junk food when we’re bored
- Organize your clothing, kitchen, storage,
- Cook a new or favorite meal
- Call and speak to your long distance friend or family
- Dance to your favorite music
- Watch new or old movies and TV shows
- Write a short story
- Do the crossword puzzle in the daily newspaper
- Create a new recipe
- Catch up with friends on the phone
- Take pictures
- Meditate
- Start a blog
- Do a puzzle
- When ‘Stuck’ at Home
- Make a mixed CD
- Create a card for your loved one
- Do a crossword
- Read a newspaper
- Create a scavenger hunt for your kids