Things to Do When Bored for Girls
Huge list of some great ideas to add to your things to do checklist

Everyone should make a list that you should set out to accomplish
List of stuff to do
I love me some list of stuff to do. Life goes so quick but it is still a good idea to put together a list of fun stuff you want to accomplish. Here are some Things to Do When Bored for Girls items I have now:
- Learn yoga
- Watch tv
- Check out all the online celebrity concerts
- Start a garden, plant some herbs or plant flower seedlings
- Watch all your favorite childhood disney movies and see if you can remember the songs
- Make a collage out of magazine pictures
- Create a super cool study area in your bedroom
- Have fun creating outfits online with a site like shoplook
- Play frisbee in the backyard
- Get up early, drink coffee and watch the sunrise with your friends via a group chat
- Listen to music
- Learn computer programming online
- Browse the internet
- Make a movie or music video
- Watch a movie
- Watch videos on youtube
- Make a bucket list
- Doodle with your friends virtually on cosketch
- Go through your closet and clean out all the clothes you never wear
- Get ready for easter by painting your nails with crazy cute designs
- Look at pictures of you when you were younger
- Make a christmas or a birthday wish list
- Learn a new instrument online
- Eat some ice cream
- Make a colossal ice cream sundae
- See if you can go an entire day without complaining… about anything!
- Teach your dog new tricks
- Clean out your backpack
- Text a friend
- Make an epic homemade pizza
- Pick one classic book and challenge yourself to read it from beginning to end
- Start a journal about your life
- Write a great resume
- Call your grandma or grandpa and ask them all about their childhood
- Make popcorn and watch all the harry potter movies
- Take your dog on a walk
- Spoil yourself with a mini spa day
- Organize your room
- Sit in a hammock and read a great book
- Experiment different looks with makeup
- Learn to play poker (or any new card game)
- Do some yoga
- Go for a walk
- Make waffles
- Try out a new beauty face mask for glowing skin
- Challenge yourself to accomplish one major goal
- Write in a journal
- Start a new hobby
- Draw a picture
- Build a wild and crazy fort in your bedroom
- Challenge yourself to learn one new word a day
- Play with your pet
- What soap operas just for the fun of it
- Break out the legos and build something really epic
- Learn how to braid your hair like a pro
- Make a commitment to eat healthier
- Bake something
- Read a book or a magazine
- Paint your nails
- Up your skills in, well, just about anything, by taking an online course
- Redecorate your room
- Get a group chat going with all your friends and pull an all-nighter (just for fun)
- Learn a foreign language
- Make some music with your friends on soundtrap
- Make up a crazy new game with your little brother or sister (trust me, they’ll love it)
- Try a new hairstyle
- Take lots of long, luxurious naps
- Do a diy craft
- Tackle one thing you’ve been putting off
- Call a friend
- Freak your mom out and clean your room
- Write a goal down that you would like to accomplish before the end of the year
- Pitch a tent in the backyard, camp out and make s’mores
- Sleep on your porch
- Try a food you’re afraid to try
- Start a blog
- Learn how to cook… well, anything!