Get Well One Liners

Huge list of some great quotes from your favorite people, movies, and shows.


Here are some great quotes for you to enjoy.

List of quotes to use from shows and movies

I love coming up with cheesy quotes from shows and movies to put in cards and emails. Life goes so quick but it is still a good idea to put together a nice quotes list. Here are some Get Well One Liners items I have now:

  • Sickness is the vengeance of nature for the violation of her laws. - Charles Simmons
  • The best of healers is good cheer.
  • Sending this card to say hope you getting better day by day
  • Get well cards have become so humorous that if you don't get sick you're missing half the fun.
  • I wish you to make a speedy recovery. You know I need to borrow some money! Don’t you know that you are the only bank I take loans from! So get well dear!
  • Hope you are soon running around back to health and feeling sound
  • Sending you well wishes for your quick recovery and good health.
  • Heard you were feeling out of a Quack Hope you are up & Splashing Soon.
  • Feel better, but in the meantime please keep a safe distance!
  • Hoping you�re getting better each and every day.
  • Lots of hugs and kisses for you hoping you soon feel tickity boo
  • Related : Speedy Recovery Wishes for Boyfriend
  • I’m really very sorry to hear that you aren’t feeling well and trust me; me too is feeling so bored, because we were supposed to go to for the trip. Get well soon please.
  • Wishing you a quick recovery because we have a big match next week. I guess you also don’t want to miss it too.
  • Maybe you forgot to clean yourself that is why you are infected with so much viruses and bacteria. Let me disinfect you.
  • Now and again I believed that you are some sort of strong, however now I realize that you are human as well. Get well when possible.
  • Heard you are a bit under the weather - hope the sun starts shining soon
  • May U get well soon Nd we can go back in to the fun times. Take care
  • You are sick. When will you die? Just kidding! I hope you will be well soon!
  • I know your feeling a little bit sick so hope you are better really quick
  • We all get ill sometimes but your time is up so get well
  • As you rest and heal, know that you are thought of warmly and wished a quick recovery.
  • Thinking of you lots and hoping for your speedy recovery.
  • Writing these several lines in order to encourage you, because I know you a nervous person. Have a very quick recovery and get well soon.
  • I used to think that you were superhuman. But now I think that you too are human like us! Get well soon!
  • I just heard that you were sick last night, so I had a beer in your name and made a toast to you. Can’t wait until I don’t have to drink alone anymore.
  • I wonder why you can always read a doctor's bill and you can never read his prescription. - Finley Peter Dunne
  • Now that you are under house arrest, you will get all the lawful punishments you deserve! It�s time to get all the bed rest and fluids that you deserve so much! Wishing you to get well soon!
  • Funny Get Well Wishes For Loved One
  • If I wish you to get well soon, then I think it wouldn’t be soon enough. That’s why I’m praying for you to get well now!
  • Be careful when reading health books; you may die of a misprint. - Mark Twain
  • Petitioning God for your fast recovery. Show signs of improvement soon or I’ll break your legs once more. Simply joking dear, get well soon.
  • I think it will be better if I will be the one to end your life rather than be killed by that damn sickness that you have. Smile. That is good for your health!
  • Funny Get Well Soon Wishes
  • You just needed a HUGacetamol and a KISSpirin to get well. You are sick because you miss me so.
  • It isn’t always easy, but when you’re not feeling well – hope it helps to know others are thinking of you – and hoping that you’ll be better very soon. Take good care of yourself.
  • I very well know the reason,why u r taking too long to recover, u r realy being nurse-d there.joke a part, but still,wishing u speedy recovery
  • You really like to steal the limelight, don’t you? You already know there are so many people wishing and praying for your health and you are enjoying the attention. C’mon, I think you have had enough of attention now, get well soon and come back.
  • It must not be feeling like you are in the hospital, especially when the doctor is so hot. Lucky you!
  • For Children:-
  • A bad cold wouldn't be so annoying if it weren't for the advice of our friends. - Kin Hubbard
  • Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional.
  • Warning: Humor may be hazardous to your illness. - Ellie Katz
  • A healthier you means less work for me. What are you waiting for? Get well soon!
  • Thank God you are sick. You will go to bed early while I stay up late watching TV!
  • Helplessly lying in your bed makes you vulnerable to whatever I wanted to do to you. Are you ready? Get well soon!
  • When grandpa was ill and could’ve died, I would have swapped all my record sales so he could get well. He is the reason I am a singer. He was my best friend growing up.
  • If wishes can heal and love can act like a pill, I’ll pray for you in all ways and hope for your recovery each day.
  • There is one thing you know better than anyone else – how to get sick. Just joking. Get better soon.
  • Heard that you're not feeling well. So brought flowers 4r you to make u feel Healthier and Happier.
  • Another chance to sleep in for you? Some folks will go to great lengths to get some extra shut-eye. All kidding aside, get well soon!
  • Having an operation is not nice but necessary now the necessary is over hope you are soon feeling nice
  • In the event that I wish you to get well soon, then I think it wouldn’t be soon enough. That is the reason I’m appealing to God for you to get well now!
  • You are in my thoughts and prayers during your time of recovery.
  • It's boring being ill - so stop being boring
  • From labor health, from health contentment springs.
  • Sleep, riches, and health to be truly enjoyed must be interrupted.
  • The doctor says you are on a soft diet right now. So, I will start eating all the fruits and cakes that you have here on your table.
  • Scooby Doo is sending you nice things to eat to make you back to new
  • Congrats you are formally debilitated! Appreciate the occasions. Unwind a ton. What’s more, returned soon so that we likewise get the chance to fall ill.
  • I enjoy convalescence. It is the part that makes the illness worth while.
  • As the days go whizzing past please get better just as fast
  • Congratulations you are officially sick! Enjoy the holidays. Relax a lot. And come back soon so that we also get the opportunity to fall ill.
  • Now your operation is over and you are on the road to recovery I hope you reach the end of the road soon
  • In this card are lots of wishes that you soon are well and back to doing dishes
  • Falling ill is a great opportunity to get paid offs at work, vacation from school, get your beauty sleep and most importantly, to fund our poor doctors.
  • I hear that the nurses in the hospital are hot! You might not want to get better too fast if it’s true.
  • I decided to send you a get-well card, and then I realized that I don’t know what to say besides get well. So, get well!
  • Learned a long time ago that minor surgery is when they do the operation on someone else, not you. - Bill Walton
  • Sick people need to be quarantined. You are not allowed to kiss your boyfriend.
  • Related : Get Well Wishes For Speedy Recovery
  • You have no right to get sick. Remember, you are my hero? You are supposed to be strong.
  • Thinking about you all the time hope you soon feel fine
  • If you are good and take all your pills I am sure you soon will not be ill
  • Hoping for your complete recovery, because I don’t want to come to the hospital for a second time!
  • In this card is a magic spell to make you soon feel well
  • I reckon being ill as one of the great pleasures of life, provided one is not too ill and is not obliged to work till one is better.
  • Try not to lay on the bed for quite a while. You are now fat and you’ll turn out to be more also. So recall to stroll for some time and get well soon.
  • I told your mom that I’m praying for your quick recovery. So, get well soon and make my prayers true, otherwise I’ll stop doing so.
  • If I had my way, I'd make health catching instead of disease. - Robert Ingersoll
  • Your mom told me you were sick, so I made you a get well cupcake. But, I ate it, so get well.
  • If I could take your pain away I would do it right now today
  • You are just like Humpty Dumpty when he fell down but soon you will be back to being sound
  • Hope this card is too late and you are back to peak of health
  • I heard that you are in the hospital I hope they release you soon because we need you more than they do!
  • These flowers represent hugs and kisses to tell you how I wish you were here, and not on that sick bed. Get well soon.
  • We can explore the world together, but first you need to kick this sickness in the butt. What do you think? Will you get better for me? Please!!!!
  • From dawn to dusk, I pray for your quick recovery and good health.
  • Although you are feeling unwell, I know you will be back on your feet again soon.
  • So sorry to hear you are ill please be better soon
  • Now that you are under house arrest, you will get all the lawful punishments you deserve! It’s time to get all the bed rest and fluids that you deserve so much! Wishing you to get well soon!
  • The treatment is really a cooperative of a trinity–the patient, the doctor and the inner doctor.
  • If you were not this beautiful, the virus would not have hit on you. I am luckier than you because I am not as charming as you. Get well soon!
  • Here are my get well wishes to you. I hate seeing you blue, so kick this bug in the butt and have a speedy recovery.
  • Sending this card to say hope you are feeling better today
  • Praying for your quick recovery. Get better soon or I’ll break your legs again. Just kidding dear, get well soon.
  • Physical ills are the taxes laid upon this wretched life; some are taxed higher, and some lower, but all pay something.

Get Well One Liners

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Get Well One Liners